7 Nights of Easy, Preplanned Meals for Busy Moms


“Mom, what’s for dinner???”

I used to find myself panicking when I heard these words. After a long day of work, school, after school activities, homework, etc., the last thing I wanted to do was plan a meal! I decided I needed a plan in place to save my sanity, and that is what I’m sharing with you!

In this post, I’m sharing with you the steps I took to organize and tackle my weekly meal planning. I’ll be covering:

  • How I found a weekly meal plan to eliminate stress

  • How I learned to be prepared before heading to the grocery store

  • How I learned to eliminate food (and money) waste

  • How to create a customized meal plan that works for your family

So, if you are tired of opening the refrigerator door every evening at dinnertime trying to figure out what to throw together to feed your hungry family, you’ve come to the right place! This is the perfect solution for you!

How I Found a Weekly Meal Plan to Eliminate Stress

I have always been a planner. I like to know what my week looks like and how I can go about checking the boxes off to see that everything is getting done. But after my fourth child was born, I now had 4 kiddos under 6 that I was trying to keep alive every day, and my planning brain had come to a screeching halt. I was in survival mode, trying to make it from one hour to the next.

The stress of something as simple as making dinner each night had started to get the best of me, and honestly, made me feel like a failure. When our fourth child was born, I had become a full-time stay at home mom, leaving behind my part-time job. All of my energy was focused on caring for my kids, and all I could think was how I was failing them. I couldn’t even get dinner on the table at night without it feeling like a Herculean effort!

Then one day, a sweet friend of mine, and a mother of 5 small kids herself, told me about her solution to the same struggle. She had subscribed to an online meal planning site that every week sent her 7 days worth of meals! I decided to check it out myself!

Well, let me tell ya, it was like the heavens had opened up and a choir of angels was singing directly to me! To open up my email and have 7 meals laid out before me without having to put any thought into it each week was heaven sent! I felt like I had regained control over this small area of my life!

So let me share with you how this plan works and how you can put it to use for you and your family!

How I Learned to be Prepared Before Heading to the Grocery Store

I’ve already mentioned how I am a planner, and that’s no different when it comes to tackling the grocery store. Once I have my meals mapped out, I want to know exactly what ingredients I need to get at the grocery store. eMeals takes all the guess work out for you!

If you want a 7 day meal plan with an attached grocery list to eliminate all the guess work for your weekly dinners, look no further than eMeals! And you can try this plan for 14 days absolutely free! Click here!

Once I subscribed to eMeals, I simply printed my prepared grocery list, added a few extras needed for breakfasts, lunches, and snacks to the list, and I was ready to shop! eMeals will customize for your preferred grocery store, show you what items are on sale, and tally up your approximate total! How great is that?!?

How I Learned to Eliminate Food (and Money) Waste

Another thing I absolutely hated about being unprepared for dinner was the amount of food (especially expensive produce) that was being tossed each week. I basically felt like I was wadding up $20 bills and just flushing them down the toilet. Well, guess what, with a plan in place and a detailed grocery list, the amount of food wasted was greatly decreased!

If you want a 7 day meal plan with an attached grocery list to eliminate all the guess work for your weekly dinners, look no further than eMeals! And you can try this plan for 14 days absolutely free! Click here!

And the better I learned the eMeals program, I could customize the plan even more, eliminating certain meals if I knew we wouldn’t need all 7 that one week. Another way to save money!!

How to Create a Customized Meal Plan That Works for Your Family

Every family is different. Maybe your cooking for a family with just one or two small kids who don’t eat much, or maybe you have 3 or 4 teenagers who are eating you out of house and home! eMeals allows you to select the serving size needed for your particular family. Or maybe you are trying to customize to a particular diet, be it the popular Keto plan, a heart health diet, or your just looking for quick, 30 minute meals, eMeals will accommodate! There are 15 meal plan styles to choose from to best fit your needs.

If you want a 7 day meal plan with an attached grocery list to eliminate all the guess work for your weekly dinners, look no further than eMeals! And you can try this plan for 14 days absolutely free! Click here!

Once eMeals entered my life, it was changed for the better! Once again I had a plan, extra time normally spent making a dinner menu and grocery list back, and little bit (just a little bit) or my sanity back! I was able to focus more of my energies on meeting the non-food related needs of my 4 young kiddos and breathe a little easier.

I want this for you too! Whether your a stay-at-home mom, a working parent, or a young couple starting out with little knowledge of meal planning, eMeals can be your saving grace! Meal time can actually be fun again! Click here to get started with your free, 14 day trial!


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